Oak Candle Co.

Beachy Tin Jar Candle


Meet our signature 'beachy' candle in a compact reusable travel tin. A cool & relaxing scent that immediately takes you on a tropical escape with hints fresh ocean air and warm coconut. Our beachy candle is topped with real seashells and our candles are hand-poured, so every candle is unique and different.

Notes: bergamot, ozonic, lily, sweet vanilla, powdered musk & coconut.

Our candles are made from a mix of coconut and soy wax, which is 100% plant based. We use unbleached cotton wicks, which minimise afterglow and smoking.

Content: 70g / 2.5 oz

Dimensions: 5 x 6.5 cm

Warning & burning instructions

Trim wick to 1/4 inch or 6mm before lighting. Keep candle free of any foreign materials including matches and wick trimmings. Only burn the candle on a level, fire resistant surface. Do not burn the candle for more than 4 hours at a time.

To prevent fire and serious injury, burn candle within sight. Keep away from drafts and vibrations. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Never burn candle on or near anything that can catch fire. 


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